Alternative Treatments


Do you suffer sinus congestion or headaches or are you just looking for some relaxation? Hopi Ear Candles are originally an ancient Asian treatment used to help many ear nose and throat issues. Whilst this treatment doesn’t replace ear syringing it is useful to help ease other issues such as clearing sinuses, headaches, swimmers ears and easing ear pressure that forms when you fly as well as many other problems. This treatment is very relaxing and takes about 20 minutes per ear. A specifically designed candle is inserted into the ear and lit, this creates a chimney effect in the ear canal and sucks out any unwanted ear wax. Please note this treatment is not to be used by anyone with a perforated ear drum and it doesn’t restore hearing.


Love having your feet massaged? Then Reflexology is perfect for you. Reflexology has been used as an alternative treatment to help stimulate areas of the body you may be having issues with as well as providing an amazing excuse for some well need time out and relaxation. It has been known to help with issues such as sinus problems, menstruation cycles, aches and pains and even great for some cancer patients needing help with pain, sickness and anxiety. Your feet are massaged using a pressure point technique to stimulate the different areas that are correspond to your bodily organs and areas then at the end of the treatment I will feedback to you my findings.



Hopi Ear Candles £30

Reflexology £40

Book your next appointment online today, look forward to seeing you soon!